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Real Dental Blog

What’s the Secret to a Beach-Ready Smile?

June 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — realdentalgp @ 10:19 pm
Woman smiling on beach

Are you looking to enhance your smile this summer? There are numerous cosmetic dental options out there to pick from – like porcelain veneers. They are wafer-thin shells of porcelain that are placed over the front surface of the teeth to cover up any cosmetic flaws. They might just be the perfect option for you to get your smile beach-ready. Continue reading to learn about the numerous benefits of this procedure.


Do This to Avoid a Dental Emergency While on Summer Vacation

June 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — realdentalgp @ 12:20 pm
woman flossing to prevent dental emergencies

With summer arriving, you’re ready to travel and get some well-deserved relaxation. You certainly don’t want any interruptions from a dental emergency, as it could seriously dampen your fun. While there is no way to completely prevent dental emergencies from happening, you can at least decrease the chances. Here are some preventive tips to implement before heading out!


5 Reasons to Switch to a Family Dentist

April 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — realdentalgp @ 5:04 pm
couple and their young son visiting a family dentist

In between working, keeping the house presentable, and making sure your child does their homework, you barely have time to breathe, let alone drive everyone in the family to their dental appointments. While there are some advantages to seeing multiple specialists to meet your loved ones’ various needs, taking everyone in the family to one dental practice provides even more benefits. Here are five reasons why switching to a family dentist will make your life easier.


Seasonal Allergies: Kryptonite for Your Oral Health and Comfort

March 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — realdentalgp @ 3:01 pm
a road sign with plants surrounding it that says, "allergy season ahead"

Spring is just around the corner, which means countless people will start a marathon of sniffling and sneezing, all thanks to seasonal allergies. What most folks don’t realize is that seasonal allergies are much more than an uncomfortable inconvenience. They cause several symptoms that can also impact the health of your mouth. Read on to learn what problems allergies can cause your oral health and how you can keep your smile healthy as you battle it out with spring.


When Should You Start Cleaning Your Child’s Teeth?

February 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — realdentalgp @ 2:52 am
Parent brushing baby's teeth

Every parent wants the best for their child, but there are certain questions that are difficult to answer on your own. One thing that many parents ask is when they should begin cleaning their child’s teeth. Do you need to worry about children’s oral health before their primary teeth begin erupting? When is it okay for them to brush on their own? Continue reading to learn more about the best way for you to help your child maintain a happy, healthy smile.


5 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier Smile

January 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — realdentalgp @ 2:58 am
Champagne on New Year's Eve

Everyone wants to have a healthy smile, but many people don’t take all the steps they need to have one. Fortunately, the start of the new year is a great time to take steps to better yourself. Whether you are planning on spending an extra day at the gym each week, eating healthier, or are going to be doing one act of kindness each day, these are all excellent ways to improve yourself both mentally and physically. But don’t leave your oral health behind! Here are some ideas for New Year’s resolutions that will help you to achieve a healthy smile.


Best and Worst Holiday Foods for Your Teeth

December 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — realdentalgp @ 10:37 pm
Candy canes

The holiday season is almost here! That means that you are probably stringing up your house with lights, listening to festive music, and pulling out the old family cookbook. No matter what you’re doing, you have tons to look forward to. However, this may just be the worst time of year for your smile. The good news is that your dentist is here to help! Read on to learn about some of the best and worst holiday foods for your teeth so you can make the best decisions for your oral health!


Why You Should Get the Dental Crown You Need Before 2020 Ends

November 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — realdentalgp @ 1:31 pm
close up of a dental crown on a person’s finger

At your last checkup, your dentist said that one of your teeth has a significant crack in it. They highly suggested that you get a dental crown to protect it. You never got around to scheduling that procedure because you were worried that it would be too expensive. However, not getting a dental crown when you need one can actually end up costing you more money in the long run. Continue reading to learn how getting the crown you need before the end of 2020 can save you time, money, and painful dental problems in the future.


Are You Diabetic? Here’s Why You Should Use Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before the End of the Year

October 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — realdentalgp @ 7:26 pm
Dentist reviewing paperwork with patient

Do you struggle with diabetes? You’re not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 34 million Americans have it as well, which comes down to about 1 in 10. While priority number one is being mindful of your diet to keep your blood sugar levels in check, it is also important to stay on top of your routine dental appointments. After all, patients with diabetes are more prone to certain oral health problems. With this in mind, read on for the importance of preventive dentistry and how to maximize your dental insurance before the end of the year!


How Do Foods and Drinks Stain Your Teeth?

August 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — realdentalgp @ 1:45 am
Stained teeth

Have you noticed that your teeth have started to become more and more stained over time? Even though discoloration is a natural part of getting older, the years aren’t the only thing you have to blame. Certain foods and beverages, like wine and berries, are known for causing staining if you consume them often, but why is that? Continue reading to learn more from your dentist about how different substances stain your teeth as well as how different teeth whitening options can make it less apparent.

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